Public Affairs Coordination Committee

Non-binding guidelines on non-financial reporting

Non-binding guidelines on non-financial reporting 5760 3840 ECIIA

The ECIIA has contributed to the DG FISMA consultation on “Targeted consultation on the update…

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EC’s climate-related reporting depends on robust governance

EC’s climate-related reporting depends on robust governance 150 150 ECIIA

ECIIA has welcomed the European Commission’s latest proposals on the reporting requirements for businesses relating…

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The future of corporate reporting

The future of corporate reporting 150 150 ECIIA

Sustainability is likely to be a major focus for the next wave of corporate reporting…

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New version: Corporate governance & cyber security

New version: Corporate governance & cyber security 2000 1297 ECIIA

The associations have called for organisations to create dedicated internal cyber risk governance groups to…

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DG Justice: Whistleblowing

DG Justice: Whistleblowing 150 150 ECIIA

On November 20, Legal Affairs Committee MEPs approved draft legislation to guarantee that whistleblowers in…

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National competent authorities: Questionnaire launched to ACs

National competent authorities: Questionnaire launched to ACs 150 150 ECIIA

As announced during the ECIIA/ecoDa event, the national competent authorities have just circulated a questionnaire…

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Stakeholders meeting on non-financial disclosures organised by DG Fisma

Stakeholders meeting on non-financial disclosures organised by DG Fisma 150 150 ECIIA

The European Commission organised a stakeholder meeting on Non-Financial disclosures. The event included a debate…

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EC to update non-financial reporting directive

EC to update non-financial reporting directive 150 150 ECIIA

The European Commission (EC) is planning to update its non-binding guidance on how to implement…

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