
Webinar | The impact of the COVID in the three lines

Webinar | The impact of the COVID in the three lines 1400 425 ECIIA

The COVID-19 global health crisis has had an unprecedented impact on business and society across…

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Global Network of Director Institutes: 2020-2021 Survey Report

Global Network of Director Institutes: 2020-2021 Survey Report 836 761 ECIIA

​The Global Network of Director Institutes 2020–2021 Survey Report, analyzes survey responses from a diverse pool…

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EIOPA: Impact of ultra-low yields on the insurance sector, including first effects of COVID-19 crisis

EIOPA: Impact of ultra-low yields on the insurance sector, including first effects of COVID-19 crisis 150 150 ECIIA

Insurers are significantly challenged in terms of asset allocations, profitability, solvency and business model adaption.…

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Internal Audit’s response to COVID-19 in Europe

Internal Audit’s response to COVID-19 in Europe 150 150 ECIIA

The COVID-19 pandemic has been disruptive around the world. Internal auditors have a unique opportunity…

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What is the impact of COVID-19 on Boards?

What is the impact of COVID-19 on Boards? 2000 1333 ECIIA

Ecoda’s webinars | summary of the main discussions* 1.    Ethics remain a “driving force”  Companies…

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EBA: implementation of the prudential framework in the context of COVID-19

EBA: implementation of the prudential framework in the context of COVID-19 700 393 ECIIA

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report, that provides clarifications on the application of…

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New normal: webinar on June 3rd with CAEs from SSM Banks about COVID-19 status

New normal: webinar on June 3rd with CAEs from SSM Banks about COVID-19 status 2560 1707 ECIIA

1. Adjusting to the new normal Given the extended working from home arrangements, it is…

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The impact of COVID-19 on the role and activities of internal audit

The impact of COVID-19 on the role and activities of internal audit 1811 883 ECIIA

Pempal published a paper entitled The impact of COVID-19 on the role and activities of…

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Impact of COVID-19 on internal auditors in the insurance sector

Impact of COVID-19 on internal auditors in the insurance sector 1709 2560 ECIIA

Main messages from ECIIA Insurance Committee Impact of COVID-19 on the way audits are performed…

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