The European Corporate Lab&EFRAG has published a feedback statement summarising the input received from the public consultation on the European Lab’s future agenda, in which ECIIA has participated.
At its October meeting, the European Lab Steering Group considered the feedback received and decided that the European Lab’s second project will be on Reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities, and linkage to the business model (i.e. Project 2 in the consultation).
The European Lab received responses from 51 constituents across 15 jurisdictions with a good mix of preparers, users, academics, accounting and audit professionals and other governmental or not-for-profit organisations.
The European Lab Steering Group will decide at a later stage on a third project for the European Lab, taking into account the results from the agenda consultation, lessons learned from the experience of the first two European Lab projects and recent developments in reporting practices.
Read the feedback statement here.