Internal audit can help organisations build trust with key stakeholders by assuring the quality of…
read moreThe Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’ s most recent consultation document – Corporate governance principles…
read moreHelp is at hand for audit and risk committees who are under increasing pressure to…
read moreThe European Banking Authority’s (EBA) guidelines on the common procedures and methodologies it proposes for…
read moreThe ECIIA has worked hard over the last twelve months to promote the value of…
read morePublic sector internal auditors and their counterparts at supreme audit institutions could provide more effective…
read moreWith audit reform on the agenda at the European Commission, the ECIIA participated in a…
read moreThe ECIIA has had its most effective year in promoting the value of internal audit…
read moreThe European Commission is striking a healthy balance between flexibility and hard rules in its…
read moreThe European Banking Association’s (EBA) draft technical standards on recovery plans for credit institutions and…
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