ECIIA Activity Report 2016

ECIIA Activity Report 2016

ECIIA Activity Report 2016 150 150 ECIIA

ECIIA worked hard in 2016 to deepen its links with both the broader European governance community and its member institutes, according to its most recent Activity Report.

The Confederation strengthened its co-operation with rule-setters at the European Banking Authority, the European Central Bank and the European Commission through a series of consultations on internal audit guidance.

“We have played a very active part in promoting the value of internal audit in corporate governance structures this year,” Henrik Stein, ECIIA President, says. “That has included participating on working groups on non-financial reporting, for example, and making sure internal auditors’ voices are heard in important consultations.”

In addition, ECIIA strengthened its relationships with other professional bodies. That has included co-hosting events with the European Confederation of Directors’ Associations and the Federation of European Risk Management Associations.

“It is very important that the bodies involved in European corporate governance understand one another and share best practice and thought leadership,” Stein says. “I’m happy to say that collaboration between the different groups is growing stronger by the year.”

The Board and member representatives reformed the ECIIA’s Governance model, producing new Articles of Associations, which were approved at the Extraordinary General Assembly in October. In addition, two extended Board meetings with ECIIA member Chief Executive Officers helped reinforce the strong bonds between all parties.

Read the report here.

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