European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing

EFRAG: publication of 3 Draft ESRS Implementation Guidance documents

EFRAG: publication of 3 Draft ESRS Implementation Guidance documents 828 520 ECIIA

EFRAG has published its first three draft ESRS Implementation Guidance documents for public feedback. Draft EFRAG IG 1 deals…

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ESAs: first set of rules under DORA for ICT and third-party risk management and incident classification

ESAs: first set of rules under DORA for ICT and third-party risk management and incident classification 150 150 ECIIA

The three European Supervisory Authorities published the first set of final draft technical standards enhancing the digital…

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ECB: Climate transition risk in the banking sector

ECB: Climate transition risk in the banking sector 1083 499 ECIIA

The ECB just issued a Working Paper on “Climate transition risk in the banking sector:…

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European Sustainability Reporting Standards: Postponement

European Sustainability Reporting Standards: Postponement 2560 1920 ECIIA

The Council and European Parliament have reached a favourable agreement on the two-year postponement of…

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European Commission: First EU-wide cybersecurity certification scheme to make European digital space safer

European Commission: First EU-wide cybersecurity certification scheme to make European digital space safer 2560 1707 ECIIA

The Commission has adopted the first-ever European cybersecurity certification scheme, in line with the EU Cybersecurity Act. The…

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ECIIA Conference 2024: Solve the puzzle

ECIIA Conference 2024: Solve the puzzle 800 333 ECIIA

The ECIIA Annual Conference 2024, hosted in collaboration with The Institute of Internal Auditors Hungary…

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European Council: Presentation of the Belgian Presidency Work Programme at ECOFIN Council Meeting

European Council: Presentation of the Belgian Presidency Work Programme at ECOFIN Council Meeting 2560 1707 ECIIA

The key priorities within the first phase of the semester include Competitiveness and the Green…

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