Internal audit oversight of outsourcing in Insurance undertakings 150 150 ECIIA
Internal audit oversight of outsourcing in Insurance undertakings

The European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA) released a position paper on the…

EIOPA: key financial stability risks of the European insurance and pensions sector 1485 937 ECIIA
EIOPA: key financial stability risks of the European insurance and pensions sector

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published its July 2020 Financial Stability Report…

EIOPA: Impact of ultra-low yields on the insurance sector, including first effects of COVID-19 crisis 150 150 ECIIA
EIOPA: Impact of ultra-low yields on the insurance sector, including first effects of COVID-19 crisis

Insurers are significantly challenged in terms of asset allocations, profitability, solvency and business model adaption.…

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