Improving cooperation between internal and external audit 150 150 ECIIA
Improving cooperation between internal and external audit

With audit reform on the agenda at the European Commission, the ECIIA participated in a…

ECIIA Activity Report 2013 150 150 ECIIA
ECIIA Activity Report 2013

The ECIIA has had its most effective year in promoting the value of internal audit…

The future of corporate governance: Key Views From Key People 150 150 ECIIA
The future of corporate governance: Key Views From Key People

The European Commission is striking a healthy balance between flexibility and hard rules in its…

Draft Regulatory Technical Standards 150 150 ECIIA
Draft Regulatory Technical Standards

The European Banking Association’s (EBA) draft technical standards on recovery plans for credit institutions and…

Proposal for Guidelines on the System of Governance 150 150 ECIIA
Proposal for Guidelines on the System of Governance

The three lines of defence model of corporate governance makes the roles and responsibilities for…

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