Public Affairs Coordination Committee

IIA International Conference 2023

IIA International Conference 2023 150 150 ECIIA

The IIA’s 2023 International Conference – July 10 -12 2023 set the stage to share new and forward-looking…

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ECIIA & ecoDa- The European Sustainability Reporting Standards explained

ECIIA & ecoDa- The European Sustainability Reporting Standards explained 1018 384 ECIIA

ECIIA and ecoDa present an educational video dedicated to the EFRAG draft European Sustainability Reporting…

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Webinar | Uniting Assurance and ESG: Building risk-aware teams and processes

Webinar | Uniting Assurance and ESG: Building risk-aware teams and processes 1433 750 ECIIA

ESG information is falling under greater scrutiny from regulators, investors, customers and the board. The…

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EFRAG: where is corporate reporting heading?

EFRAG: where is corporate reporting heading? 150 150 ECIIA

EFRAG published its summary report on the conference “Where is Corporate Reporting heading?” that took…

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European Contact Group

European Contact Group 1811 1452 ECIIA

ECIIA participated in the European Contact Group (ECG) Roundtable on good corporate governance for the…

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IIA Global reacts to the PCAOB proposed auditing standard

IIA Global reacts to the PCAOB proposed auditing standard 150 150 ECIIA

“The Auditor’s Use of Confirmation, and Other Proposed Amendments to PCAOB Standards.” Although the recommended…

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Webinar | The European Sustainability Reporting Standards

Webinar | The European Sustainability Reporting Standards 1920 1080 ECIIA

The webinar took place on the 31st of January, from 16:30 to 17:30 (CET). We…

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Webinar | Digital disruption and new technology: how internal audit can help organisations?

Webinar | Digital disruption and new technology: how internal audit can help organisations? 1640 924 ECIIA

The webinar took place on the 30th of January, from 13:00 to 14:00 (CET). if…

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European Corporate Governance 2022: How is governance driving business to meet its sustainability goals?

European Corporate Governance 2022: How is governance driving business to meet its sustainability goals? 2560 1707 ECIIA

Organized by EY, in collaboration with ecoDa, Czech Institute of Directors, ACCA, Business Europe and European Issuers, the…

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