FERMA: European Risk Manager report

FERMA: European Risk Manager report

FERMA: European Risk Manager report 418 276 ECIIA

The FERMA Survey has taken place every other year since 2001/2002 and this is the first one to be completed since the pandemic. Exceptional circumstances have happened since the last survey in 2020.

The biggest threats for businesses in 2022 are linked or amplified by the global pandemic and Ukrainian crisis: cyber threats, supply chain & disruption failure, geopolitical uncertainties, and uncertain economic growth notably with the increase in raw material, energy costs, and the issue of their availability as well as the inflation.  Cyber-attacks continue to be at the top of mind in the short (12 months) and medium-term (3 years), while risks related to sustainability are two of the top three risks in the long term (10 years) with climate change the number 1 risk and natural disaster number.

Read the full report here.

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