Webinar | Guidance on unlocking the value of Internal Audit functions by implementing Data Analytics / Science

Webinar | Guidance on unlocking the value of Internal Audit functions by implementing Data Analytics / Science

Webinar | Guidance on unlocking the value of Internal Audit functions by implementing Data Analytics / Science 1920 1080 ECIIA

The ECIIA Insurance Committee, assisted by Specialists has described the journey to adopt a data-led
approach in the internal audit departments and give examples from the Insurance industry. The paper was presented by the authors in a discussion facilitated by Martin Studer, CAE at Zurich, and a member of the ECIIA Insurance Committee.

If you could not follow the webinar you can watch it below. A summary report is also available.

The Covid crisis has accelerated the digital transformation for internal audit departments. Their role has not changed but they need to give rapid-fact based assurance and in this context, the demand for using data analytics and data science is growing.

We raised questions such as:

  • How to start with data analytics/data science?
  • What is the impact of data analytics on the audit process?
  • What are the benefits for internal auditors?
  • What are the benefits for the stakeholders?
  • What are the main obstacles?


  • Peter Jones, Head of Data, Internal Audit | Legal & General
  • Sophie Krynauw, Functional Audit Director | Zurich
  • Robert Zergenyi, Head of Data Science & Data Analytics, Internal Audit Director |Zurich
  • Chiara Ziliani, Head of Group Audit Analytics | Generali

Internal auditors may receive a CPE certificate.

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