Since last year’s Activity Report, there has been a great deal of change in Europe. The European Parliament held elections in May 2014 and the European Commission (EC) appointed new commissioners. The Directorate General for Internal Market and Services (F2: Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility) moved to the Directorate General Justice. And the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) came into force in November 2014, giving the European Central Bank and the national competent authorities increased oversight responsibility over the banking industry.
The ECIIA has continued to advocate for the profession of internal auditing to ensure that our voice is heard during these upheavals. One of the issues that have most occupied our attention has been the development of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (2014/95). The directive requires companies to disclose in their management report more detailed information on their policies, risks and outcomes.
We organised a round table discussion on the directive at the EC. We shared with participants our publication Non-financial reporting: building trust with internal audit. We also were very active in responding to consultations, meeting our stakeholders and working hard to get the voice of internal audit heard clearly in Europe.
Read more about our work in our ECIIA Activity Report 2015.